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Greeting card chalice


Card made as symbol of Holy Communion. Card is a perfect gift for this day, when your child becomes a full member of the religious community and receives the body of the Christ in its life. Cards front is sand color with engraved symbols of a chalice with a wafer, and two olive twigs. Inside is white, at the bottom of the page is photo of the bread and wine – symbols of the body and blood of the Christ. Opening card will show its 3D chalice with white Communion wafer. 

Discount per Quantity

Quantity 12 - 34 - 78 - 1516 - 4950 - 399400 - 1000
Price 50.0047.5046.5045.5045.0042.5040.00

Personalizacija iznosi 5 € po čestitki

SKU: 185484 Category:


Card made as symbol of Holy Communion. Card is a perfect gift for this day, when your child becomes a full member of the religious community and receives the body of the Christ in its life. Cards front is sand color with engraved symbols of a chalice with a wafer, and two olive twigs. Inside is white, at the bottom of the page is photo of the bread and wine – symbols of the body and blood of the Christ. Opening card will show its 3D chalice with white Communion wafer.

Additional information

Dimensions 15 × 15 cm
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