Our POPUP story
The 25-year tradition of business in the fields of graphics, computer science and commerce has taken us on many journeys, so we have thousands of stories to tell, but we must admit that this is definitely one of the most beautiful and creative projects we had.
POP UP greeting cards have been recognized around the world, but they are hardly present in our area. We were immediately inspired by this story and we went to work.
Git d.o.o. has been active in related fields for many years, and our experts have readily accepted the new challenge. On this site we present to you very special POP UP greeting cards that came from the heart!
With exceptional design, high quality paper and modern laser cutting technology, part of the process is the creation of every greeting card and the diligent hands that create a fabulous POP UP story in small pieces.
S obzirom na to da u svakodnevnom poslovanju ulažemo kontinuirane napore kako bi ostvarili što pozitivniji utjecaj na okolinu, a time i okoliš u cijelosti, želja nam je sve iskoristive materijale i viškove nastale tijekom proizvodnje pojedinih proizvoda iskoristiti, a ne baciti. Upravo zato osmislili smo 2D čestitke koje su izrađene iz drvenih elemenata i recikliranog papira, točnije naših svakodnevnih viškova.
Ništa ne bacamo, već stvaramo nove proizvode i nove vrijednosti, a time kontinuirano radimo na što pozitivnijem utjecaju na okoliš.